Questions? Give us a call at 833-BEE-FARM (833)-233-3276

raw. unfiltered. FLORIDA.

We're regularly asked what makes our raw honey exceptional. And although there are many different answers, the short difference is simple; it’s 100% Pure, Raw, Undiluted or Blended, never Micro Filtered and never Pasteurized. We also realize that the best honey comes from strong productive healthy hives and is why we spend countless hours “keeping the bees” making sure they have good nectar, pollen and water sources which are crucial to honey bee colony health.
Our honey bee operation also specializes in raising quality queen honeybees for beekeepers across the country and continually strive to produce healthy and productive queen stock. 

We are blessed to be able see the handy work of a creator who gave mankind such sustainable resources that the honey bee provides, and it’s an honor to share the fruit of ours… and the bees labor!